Sunday, May 3, 2009

Camping - Bethy Creek - March 2009

On a whim, Charlie and I decided to go camping one sunny weekend in March. It was so on a whim that all of our usual spots were booked up! After a little research, we (no really, I) found an open spot at Bethy Creek resort on the north side of Lake Livingston. And while it wasn't our usual type of camping spot, we had a great time! Bethy Creek is on the north side of Lake Livingston, about 20 minutes east of Huntsville. It's a privately owned camp ground, so it's a much different feel than the state and national parks we typically frequent. But for what we were looking for, which was to relax and totally take it easy, it was perfect. Our spot was right on the lake and the view was lovely.
From Bethy Creek
At the time of this trip, I was just shy of 18 weeks pregnant. The trip was quite relaxing for me, but I did start to notice my limitations. It's much harder to crawl around in the camper when we are breaking it down!
From Bethy Creek
The person who had the MOST fun though was Cooper. Since we were right by the lake we went to the camp store and found a water toy that floats. Charlie would launch the toy out there and Cooper would thrust himself into the water to retrieve it. That dog was so happy, but he was so tired too! By the time we got home Sunday night he was barely standing and I don't think we heard more than a peep out of him for the next 2 days. Here are a couple of pics and a video of Cooper retrieving:
From Bethy Creek

From Bethy Creek

To view more pictures:


Laura said...

Cooper looks hilarious- Brainless and happy-- I'm jealous. :)

CnD Haines said...

Love the pics of Cooper!