Thursday, May 10, 2012

So, about this blog thing.....

I had such high hopes for our blog the first time around. I really believed in my heart I would keep up with it, say witty things and keep everyone in our life up to date. Geez, was I wrong!

But, ever the optimist, I am going to try again. There's no use trying to go back and catch up on the last 2 years with pictures, I'll only get behind again. But to sum it all up, life is good. We moved from Humble, the Houston and then to Katy all in the span of 2 1/2 years. Charlie graduated from the TWU graduate program and is now a Nurse Practitioner at MD Anderson (He is by the way, ridiculously happy, I know few people that love their job like he does). Leo is growing tall, talking up a storm, and amazing us every day. And while the "terrible twos" are certainly in full swing, most days are spent cracking up at the silly things he says and trying to find ways to hear his incredibly infectious laugh. He's sweet.

And, as if we aren't already lucky enough, we have been blessed with baby #2. The "Jellybean" is Due late November/early December. We are beyond thrilled, except for the fact that I have been sick, sick, sick. But the Jellybean is growing and thriving, so it'll all be worth it in the end.

As for me, well, what's there to say? I'm still a part time office manager, I love being a mom (most days), and I'm adjusting well to the ultra suburban Katy life. (Minivan coming soon!) Aside from the morning sickness, I feel more like myself than I have in years. I always heard women say that their 30's were such a great time because they finally figured out who they wanted to be and how to be comfortable in their own skin. I'd like to think I'm almost there, but as always, I feel like a work in progress. But I'd also like to think that growth and rediscovery is what keeps me happy.

More to come....(but no promises) :)

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