Wednesday, July 29, 2009

38 Weeks Pregnant - Tick Tick, I'm a Time Bomb

Yesterday's check up went fine. No change in dilation, but Leo and I are still healthy, so that is the important part. I am truly finding it hard to believe that I will ever not be pregnant. I feel like he will never get here!

Last Friday (37 weeks and 3 days) we had another run to the hospital. I woke up around 6:00 and realized that my contractions were somewhat regular and getting stronger. For the first hour they came every 6-10 minutes, then for the next two hours they were every 3-6 minutes. I tried relaxing, changing positions and walking and none of it made the contractions get any better so we decided to go to the hospital. The nurse hooked me up to the monitors, checked me out and gave me pain meds. We gave it a couple of hours and the contractions spaced out to every 7 minutes. Since they were more than 3 -5 minutes apart and I wasn't dilating more I was sent home. Talk about frustrating!!

At this point, they have scheduled an induction for Tuesday, August 4th, but it's not a definite go. I'll visit the doctor again on Monday to check my progress. If my body is ready, then we will get to move forward with the induction, if not it will be cancelled. Keep your fingers crossed!! I am so ready to not be pregnant anymore :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

37 Weeks - I have a full term baby!

My 37 week checkup went great. My blood pressure is still normal, Leo is thriving and (drum roll please...) I am 1 cm dilated!! Leo still hasn't dropped all the way yet, but he's a bit lower than the week before. We will see what my progress is like next week and then determine if my body will be ready for a 39 week induction. Keep your fingers crossed!

We also had another ultrasound to double check his position. He's still head down and both of his feet are up in my ribs where they should be. (Previously, he had a foot up next to his head). We got a picture of his chubby little face. Poor guy, he looks so squished in there.

I am still having contractions but either they are slightly regular but not intense, or intense and not regular. Emotionally, I am pretty good but by the end of day I am usually pretty exhausted and just done. I am trying very hard to stay positive and enjoy these last couple of weeks. It will be the last time that it's just Charlie and I, and I am trying to cherish that. On the other hand, Charlie and I are so anxious to meet our little guy. We can't wait to hold him in our arms, tell him we love him and see this little creation that has been growing inside of me for the last 37 weeks.

We will keep you posted with updates as we have them!

The Nursery is Complete!!

FINALLY the nursery is done! I was able to finish sewing the curtains last weekend and put the ribbon on the quilt so we could hang it (Thanks for the tip Lauren!)

We went with a train theme which proved to be harder to find things for than we ever would have imagined. I am really pleased with the end result though. I had wanted a lot of bright primary colors and that's exactly what I got. The rocking chair in the corner (by the window) is quite special; it's the same rocking chair that Charlie's mother rocked him in as a child.

Here are some pics. Our camera is acting funny, and didn't really pick up the color of the walls very well. They are a lovely minty green; it's really soothing.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

36 Weeks!

My 36 week checkup was great. Leo has moved down and a bit but has not officially "dropped" into the birth canal. He is also still head down. I am still 50% effaced, but not dilated. Since I have now hit the 36 week mark, I can resume normal activity and just wait for my body to get ready for labor. The contractions are still happening, but not with the same intensity or regularity that they were the night we went to the hospital.

Since Leo dropped a bit, my uterus is actually measuring 36 weeks, instead of measuring big like it has the last few times. We are totally on track now for a full term delivery! We won't find out till my 38 week appointment about the induction.

I'll have another update on my progress next week!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

35 weeks, 2 days....a trip to the Hospital

So, I was off work on Thursday, and decided to really try and take it easy. I worked on a few small items that needed finishing up for the baby shower I was throwing on Saturday. Charlie and I visited with Leo's pediatrician for the first time (Dr. John, who we loved!). But I spent a ton of time just catching up on my Tivo and taking it easy. I did not spend the day as I usually do, running around like a crazy woman trying to accomplish a million things in one day.

Charlie and I decided to go out for a steak dinner. Before we left I started complaining that my back was really hurting and noticed that my "braxton hicks" felt a bit stronger than usual. I brushed it off and we went out. Over dinner my back continued to hurt and I had 4 more contractions strong enough that I had to stop talking when they happened. Charlie insisted that I call the doctor at this point (Also, if you have more than 4 braxton hicks in an hour, the books say call the doctor). The on call doctor told me to head to labor and delivery and get my cervix checked.

We arrived at labor & delivery around 10 pm. They hooked me up to a fetal monitor that monitored both my contractions and Leo's heartbeat. Leo was doing great and I was indeed having real contractions. They also confirmed that I was not yet dilated. Around 2:00 in the morning they decided to give me medicine to stop the contractions and sent me home an hour later.

The next morning we visited my doctor's office (my new doctor was out,so I got to meet the other doctor in the practice). We confirmed again that I am not dilated and I am about 50% effaced. My uterus is measuring 37 weeks. An ultrasound showed a very healthy, robust boy. He's estimated to be about 6 lbs 7 ounces and he is in the 64 percentile overall (this puts him about a week bigger than avg.) We got to see his face and his cheeks are all chubby and sweet. He has also moved head down finally but hasn't officially "dropped" yet. I have a bit extra amniotic fluid, which combined with his size helps to explain my bigger measurements. They think my contractions have started earlier because I am measuring bigger and my body thinks it's time to get things started.

So, until I hit 36 weeks on Tuesday, I have been ordered to take it easy (grrrr...) They gave me medicine to stop contractions if they get bothersome again. I was already scheduled to be at the doctor's on Tuesday, so I'll have an update then. For now, all is fine, I am just trying to relax and keep Leo "baking" a bit longer. :)

My Baby Shower - June 20, 2009

Yea!! After attending and throwing many baby showers over the last few years, it was time for my own! The theme was Leo's Safari and it was hosted by Laura, Melissa and Lauren. I had such a lovely time, got a ton of much needed items for Leo and was thrilled to have so many of my friends with me in one place. It was a perfect day!! Thanks again ladies!

Here are some pictures!

Maternity Pictures - June 14, 2009

I had my maternity pictures taken when I was 2 days shy of 32 weeks. We were really pleased with the way they turned out!! (Thank you Photography By Marks!) Here are a few....

From Maternity Pictures

From Maternity Pictures

From Maternity Pictures

From Maternity Pictures

From Maternity Pictures

From Maternity Pictures

From Maternity Pictures

From Maternity Pictures

From Maternity Pictures

From Maternity Pictures

Diaper Party - May 2009

From Diaper Party

My wonderful girlfriends, Niki, Pat, Chandra & Shannon threw Charlie and I a diaper party at the end of May. It was so much fun! They had cake with raspberry filing from my favorite cake lady in Spring (Lindy's Country Cupboard) a taco bar and ice cold margarita's and pina colada's (virgins of course for me and my other pregnant girlfriends). We ended the party in the pool which was perfect. All in all, it was a great way to spend an afternoon with some of our favorite people. Here are some pictures of the festivities. Thanks again to Niki, Chandra & Shannon for throwing us a party in the middle of their own pregnancies. And a big thanks to Pat & Eric for having the party at their house!

Here are some pictures! I was around 29 weeks in these pictures.

From Diaper Party

Charlie figuring out where Leo is!!

From Diaper Party
Mommy & Daddy!

From Diaper Party

Me and my lovely hosts: Shannon, Pat, Chandra & Niki.

From Diaper Party


Monday, July 6, 2009

35 Weeks - My midwife left me!

Yikes!! The baby will be here so soon! Charlie and I are so excited. The nursery is nearly done, the bassinet is set up in the bedroom, his clothes are clean and hung and all exposed electrical outlets are covered. (Those little things are Cynthia-proof too, I can hardly get them out!!) Of course, there are still things to do, finish the curtains, write in his baby book, etc, but I think we are close to having it all ready.

Around 32 weeks my midwife called to tell me she was leaving the practice. I was so bummed. Charlie and I really liked Karen and we were excited to have the "midwife experience". Of course, she is going to a completely different setup at another hospital, so following her wasn't even an option. I am now seeing Dr. Reed who is the head doctor of the practice. She has a great reputation and luckily we had met her a couple times before. She was the doctor who saw me in the hospital during the kidney stone incident and I had one appointment with her when Karen wasn't available.

My 34 week appointment was my first with Dr. Reed as my official doctor. She was wonderfully sweet and we were instantly happy with her. Unfortunately, she leaves for vacation on August 6th (my due date is the 11th). I didn't want to have to make yet another change, so as long as my body is ready and Leo is ready, it looks like I will be induced around August 4th or 5th. (a little past 39 weeks). At first I wasn't sure if that was what I wanted, but the more I think about it, the more I am ok with it. With Charlie's parents living out of town, it will give them the opportunity to actually be here the day Leo is born and it's nice having a "game plan". Of course, Leo could still come on his own sometime in July if he feels like it. ;)

As of 34 weeks, Leo was still breech, but he has some time to turn. I am not dilated yet, but my body is making changes already to start that process. Our next appointment will be at 36 weeks. We will have a possible ultrasound and hopefully be able to schedule the induction!

I have a ton of pictures from my diaper party and baby shower that I will post soon!