Wednesday, February 18, 2009

15 Week Appointment

My 15 week appointment with our midwife, Karen, went great! It was so cute, the nurse found the heartbeat and all of a sudden you heard this funny "shoop gurgle" sound and heartbeat was gone. Turns out the little cookie is a busy bee! The sound was the baby moving around. So the nurse would have to try to follow it around with the Doppler and find the heartbeat again. We finally found it long enough to get the heart rate which was 160.

Karen is really happy with my progress. We talked about my diet and weight gain. I have only gained about 9 pounds so far, 5 of those since my last appointment 4 weeks ago. My blood pressure was good, everything is great!

We meet with the specialist next week to go over my lab results. Keep your fingers crossed, we might find out the sex at that appointment!! If not, we will find out March 23rd.

1 comment:

David and Arlene's Adventures said...

It is hard to believe that little girl I knew is about to be a mom.

David Harrison