Monday, August 10, 2009

40 Weeks Pregnant - We are having a baby!!!

So, I guess my first lesson as a new mommy is to listen to my instincts. We went to the doctor today for my 40 week appointment and met with a different doctor since mine was out of town. Alas, there was no cervical change yet again. I told her that we were concerned with Leo's size and that we would really like an ultrasound to check on it. She was a bit resistant and I pushed, telling her that it would make me feel a lot better to have a grasp on his size. She then agreed to the ultrasound.

Thank goodness we listened to my gut and pushed for the ultrasound! Leo is measuring over the 90th percentile. Based on his measurements, his estimated weight is 10 pounds 6 ounces!!! Now, keep in mind, those projections are usually a pound off and can even be more, but the point is that this baby is a monster!

They think that there is likely a chance that he simply can't get himself into the birth canal to create cervical change because of his size. With all the strong contractions I have had he should be lower than he is. We could try an induction, but I would only have a 20% chance of success and would likely end up in a c-section after 2 grueling days. So, we are having a scheduled c-section at 10:00 am on Leo's due date!

While a c-section wasn't what I had hoped for, I am totally at peace with it. With his size and my body this seems like the best option for both him and I. We are still in a bit of shock that our big day will finally be here tomorrow, but we are so so so excited. I will finally get to hold Leo in my arms, see his (likely chubby) little face and tell him how much I already love him. Charlie has been dying to finally meet him and keeps telling me that he gets 9 months of holding him now since I already had my 9 months.

We will post pictures and delivery details as soon as possible. That might be tomorrow, but most likely Wednesday. For anyone that wants to visit us, we will be at Memorial Hermann in the Woodlands.

Thank you to everyone for your love and support! We are so excited for y'all to meet Leo!


The Forey's said...

I was just checking in on you. Last I heard, you were close. C- Sections are not ideal, but whatever has to be done to get the little angel here! I am so excited for y'all!

Melissa said...

i am so glad that he is finally here! Cannot wait to kiss him!!