Friday, May 22, 2009

28 Weeks - Welcome to the 3rd Trimester

I had my 28 week appointment on Wednesday. The ultrasound showed a very healthy and big boy! My midwife called him a beast! Leo is weighing in at about 2 lbs 13 oz and his measurements put him about 5 days ahead of average. We got a great shot of his face at the ultrasound, so I will try to figure out how to scan that in. My parents were able to be with us for this ultrasound which was super special.

All in all my progress report was good. My blood pressure is still normal and weight gain is fine. The reason for this ultrasound was to check that my placenta had moved up like it was supposed to, and it has. They took blood to test my glucose and iron levels and we should have the results back early next week. I'll start visiting every 2 weeks from now on until 36 weeks, then I will be in the office once a week.

From Belly Shots


The DougFish said...

Let's see, things we love:
1. Nuk bottles. Similar to a boob, so he can still get fed by me and via a bottle from someone else. The gift pack comes with pacifiers too. (I am not a pacifier person, but eventually realized I had to get over that).
2. First Years Swaddles. I got a 2 pack of the organic ones as a gift. Yesterday I went out and bought another pack. The Kiddopotamous ones are good too, but Asher LOVES the ones from First Years. He needs a double swaddle, so the First Year ones are strong enough to keep him 'together'. I imagine Leo will be pretty strong too.
3. A pumping bra. Its just a simple thing with holes to allow for the pumping cones to attach. This is if you're going to use an automatic pump. LOVE it. You can pump and have your hands free. Got it from Woman's Place in the Village. Only place to get it in Houston.

I'll continue this...


The DougFish said...

Gosh, you really don't have much time left till we can all meet Leo! :o)