Sunday, July 12, 2009

35 weeks, 2 days....a trip to the Hospital

So, I was off work on Thursday, and decided to really try and take it easy. I worked on a few small items that needed finishing up for the baby shower I was throwing on Saturday. Charlie and I visited with Leo's pediatrician for the first time (Dr. John, who we loved!). But I spent a ton of time just catching up on my Tivo and taking it easy. I did not spend the day as I usually do, running around like a crazy woman trying to accomplish a million things in one day.

Charlie and I decided to go out for a steak dinner. Before we left I started complaining that my back was really hurting and noticed that my "braxton hicks" felt a bit stronger than usual. I brushed it off and we went out. Over dinner my back continued to hurt and I had 4 more contractions strong enough that I had to stop talking when they happened. Charlie insisted that I call the doctor at this point (Also, if you have more than 4 braxton hicks in an hour, the books say call the doctor). The on call doctor told me to head to labor and delivery and get my cervix checked.

We arrived at labor & delivery around 10 pm. They hooked me up to a fetal monitor that monitored both my contractions and Leo's heartbeat. Leo was doing great and I was indeed having real contractions. They also confirmed that I was not yet dilated. Around 2:00 in the morning they decided to give me medicine to stop the contractions and sent me home an hour later.

The next morning we visited my doctor's office (my new doctor was out,so I got to meet the other doctor in the practice). We confirmed again that I am not dilated and I am about 50% effaced. My uterus is measuring 37 weeks. An ultrasound showed a very healthy, robust boy. He's estimated to be about 6 lbs 7 ounces and he is in the 64 percentile overall (this puts him about a week bigger than avg.) We got to see his face and his cheeks are all chubby and sweet. He has also moved head down finally but hasn't officially "dropped" yet. I have a bit extra amniotic fluid, which combined with his size helps to explain my bigger measurements. They think my contractions have started earlier because I am measuring bigger and my body thinks it's time to get things started.

So, until I hit 36 weeks on Tuesday, I have been ordered to take it easy (grrrr...) They gave me medicine to stop contractions if they get bothersome again. I was already scheduled to be at the doctor's on Tuesday, so I'll have an update then. For now, all is fine, I am just trying to relax and keep Leo "baking" a bit longer. :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm glad that everything is okay! Keep my sweet little guy in there a little longer. He still has some growing to do!