Wednesday, July 22, 2009

37 Weeks - I have a full term baby!

My 37 week checkup went great. My blood pressure is still normal, Leo is thriving and (drum roll please...) I am 1 cm dilated!! Leo still hasn't dropped all the way yet, but he's a bit lower than the week before. We will see what my progress is like next week and then determine if my body will be ready for a 39 week induction. Keep your fingers crossed!

We also had another ultrasound to double check his position. He's still head down and both of his feet are up in my ribs where they should be. (Previously, he had a foot up next to his head). We got a picture of his chubby little face. Poor guy, he looks so squished in there.

I am still having contractions but either they are slightly regular but not intense, or intense and not regular. Emotionally, I am pretty good but by the end of day I am usually pretty exhausted and just done. I am trying very hard to stay positive and enjoy these last couple of weeks. It will be the last time that it's just Charlie and I, and I am trying to cherish that. On the other hand, Charlie and I are so anxious to meet our little guy. We can't wait to hold him in our arms, tell him we love him and see this little creation that has been growing inside of me for the last 37 weeks.

We will keep you posted with updates as we have them!

1 comment:

Felicia said...

Congrats for crossing the 'full term' threshold! Now its just a game to see how BIG Leo really will get! Whoo hooo!